"The fruit of the righteous is life; and he that winneth souls is wise"
Proverbs 11:30 KJV
It just dawned on me how much the lady I take care of has changed. Is it because of my personal ways? Or by the force of circumstances in her life? Or is Jesus talking to her?
Two years... She has watched me live my life - day in and day out.
In the Scriptures about husbands and wives, we read: "...they also may without the word be won by the conversation of the wives" 1 Peter 3:1 KJV
Living with Jean, is as close as you can get. So I understand it works the same - we are "in private". I see her, she sees me.
Does she see my God?
As Christians, we are always being read by those around us. Your presence and testimony is definitely making a difference - and she is seeing God in you.
I believe our lives speak volumes to people when we are really living for God. You are making a difference.
Carol Connell
Thank you. I guess sometimes I feel like it's just me being good to her, but you are right.
Yes, it is in the daily living that we testify of God in us. That's all I want. Thank you.
Dear Catherine,
I remember being more impressed by my paternal grandmother, who didn't preach or proselytize, but who lived her Christian beliefs through her actions. My maternal grandfather was a minister, yet he did not always practice what he preached.
So our actions do in fact mean a great deal, especially to those looking in from outside. Words can be hollow at times. Actions cannot be hollow.
Best wishes for this upcoming Christmas holiday. Thank you for visiting my blog. It has been nice to meet you!
aka: The Pet Human of Skittles, The Huntress
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