It's been working on me for a while, too long in fact. I'm having a time getting where I hunger to go. Deep in God, deep in the Spirit. It takes effort, diligence, consistency, confidence, trust, sacrifice, dedication, self denial, humility... and more. Not the most popular "to do" list.
Strong meat...
Cowboys chewed on jerky...
John the Baptist ate honey and locusts...
Eskimos unaffected by modern living eat whale blubber...
Strong meat...
"They that go down to the sea in ships, that do business in great waters;
These see the works of the Lord, and His wonders in the deep"
Psalm 107:23 & 24 KJV
I may not do what I desire to do for God - yet - but it's coming...
I may not have what I desire from God - yet - but it's coming...
I may not be where I desire to be in God - yet - but it's coming...
So, go ahead, ask the Lord for the deep things, eat the strong meat. Once you've tasted of it... nothing else will do.
Go ahead, count the cost, it's not too much. Jesus already took care of the bill. Our share is very reasonable. The return, incalculable. The benefits, eternal.