Jesus love the little children, all the children of the world,
Brown and yellow, black and white,
They are precious in His sight,
Jesus loves the little children of the world.
This one is my grand baby girl, Naomi Roseberry - 22 months
When it comes to children, something rises up in me and I become a she-bear. The Scriptures talks about in the lasts days "without natural affection", and we are right smack in it. Children all over the world are in need.
The love in my heart... I've got to give it out!
I can't go to China or Africa, Europe or South America, but I can make a difference where I live.
Let the Jesus in me be the Jesus they see.
Your granddaughter is beautiful. God has blessed you, that's for sure.
I think so too, but it's natural.
I enjoy going over to your site, I'm still new myself.
Isn't fun though?
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Amen, Catherine! Love this post. I, too, have a special place in my heart that is always touched by children. Our church has reached out to them and we've been bringing them to Sunday School. Some of the stories they bring to Sunday School are so sad. The horrible lives some of the children in our own country; our own state and town, live. If we can give them a taste of Jesus, then they have a chance. See my post today about children. I know you'll like it. :)
Have a Happy Thanksgiving and may God bless you and yours! Love you.
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