Thru God's Grace I remained.
At times my heart was so broken, I felt like as if I was dying inside. Jesus didn't leave me there. He picked me up and carried me, then He helped me grow. Thru God's Grace I remained.
Tears are a language God understand - I speak it. My heart is broken, but thru God's Grace I shall remain.
He has not brought me this far to leave me now. There is a purpose and a deep calling in my soul. So be it, let my heart be broken.
In the breaking I can get a glimpse of His sufferings. The Alabaster Box was broken for the precious ointment to be released. Have thine own way my Lord. Do as You please. For who am I to know the way that I should go? "Your Word is a Lamp Unto my Feet and a Light Unto my Path" (Psalm 119:105 KJV).
"The breaking is not over" - this was spoken to my in the Holy Ghost by my Pastor. It was only the beginning.
"The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit: a broken and contrite heart, O God, thou wilt not despise" (Psalm 51:17 KJV).
In the state of brokenness I hunger for the Arms of God - He gives me strength - He loves me - He cares for me.
Now I can go on and remain - in His love.
I heard a message several years ago, “The blessing of broken things.” Yes tears are a language; the sad thing is that too many men do not understand that language.
You are in our prayers this morning!
Brokenness is such a place of beauty Sis Catherine. It is painful but the end result is so beautiful. That was such a precious post. Love you...
I know I fight that brokenness that I need. I am a person who just needs to feel in control and that deosn't make it easy to let go and let God. I am working on it though. I am getting closer to the contrite heart, I think.
Thank you Mervi. I prayed for your wife also.
You are right about men, but real men do cry. :)
Hi Noel,
Whatever God does, the result is always beautiful.
Sometimes we just don't see the beauty in it.
Thank you for you encouragement.
That is one of the most difficult thing to do when we are "strong" that way. Add a little darkness and a bend in the unknown road... now we must let go...?
No easy, you are right, but we keep working on it.
I was reading your blog a second time this morning and I had to sit back and think a few moments, dangerous for me. In an old book which is title, “Chemistry of the blood,” one of the chapters is titled, Chemistry of tears. The point is that tears provide make different needs for our eyes; one of which is to keep our eyes clean so that we can see ahead.
May the tears you shed help to keep your vision clear to see our Lord as He moves through your life.
Very interesting book you have there. I probably would enjoy it. Amazing fact.
It did remind me that the shepherd checks the eyes of each sheep and applies salve.
When I thought about how intricate the things of God are - in the natural and spiritual - I bowed my head, and cried.
Thank you Mervi for your kind words this morning.
Catherine, I was very moved by this beautiful post. I can feel that it came from your heart. Psalms 34:18 reads; "The LORD is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart; and saveth such as be of a contrite spirit."
I loved what you and Mervi conversed back and forth about the tears that we shed. How it is a language with God and how it clears our eyes so that we can see the road ahead. I really liked what you had to say about how the shepherd applies salve the the eyes of the sheep. You and Mervi both really blessed me with this post when I read it today.
My heart has been burdened and your words have been a comfort to me. For that I say thank you for being sensitive in expressing your own feelings for through you, God has touched me and I pray that you have had your own burdens lifted as well. I love sis. God bless!!
Who would have thought that blogging... I wouldn't even consider the Internet!
I am glad that we can reach out and minister to each other thru this marvel of modern technology.
I am glad that God touch you, that you found something of substance "Looking In" my open heart.
Mervi's second comment touched me deeply. I had never heard this before. I'm still thinking about it.
God bless you richly Sis!!! Love you.
What beautiful, touching words from a beautiful heart. When reading your post, I felt as if it was me penning the words. Many, many Years ago someone told me that some must walk a different path than most but it is because the Lord wants to draw them close to His side and give them a special walk in Him. A walk that can genuinely love, can relate to others, can stand as a witness, and one that will not leave nor forsake Him in any circumstances. This person said that walking in this path made me special because my broken spirit would allow me to know Him as many are never privileged to know Him. Catherine, you are priviledged... God bless, praying in love for you, special friend.
Hi Sister Karen,
Thank you for your prayers.
It is indeed a privileged to walk with God. Whatever the price is.
Let me tell you what happened today! My eyes laid on a couple with little children and luggage. Immediately I knew I would do something for them. To get to the point, I was able to reach out to them, put them in a Motel here, tomorrow they are coming to church with their 3 little boys et I believe the Lord has a way for them. The Dad wants to work to repay me, instead I trust the Lord to give him a job. They plan on going to Seattle (she has a brother there) because it's too expensive here. Well, with God on their side, all things are possible :) One child has epilepsy and that's how they ended up at the Ronald Mac Donald's House while he was in CHOC in Orange.
Beautiful, isn't?
Luke 9:16 16 Then he took the five loaves and the two fishes, and looking up to heaven, he blessed them, and brake, and gave to the disciples to set before the multitude.
John 6:12 When they were filled, he said unto his disciples, Gather up the fragments that remain, that nothing be lost.
John 6:14 Then those men, when they had seen the miracle that Jesus did, said, This is of a truth that prophet that should come into the world.
>Jesus blessed the provision knowing it was going to be broken
>Jesus commanded to pick up the fragments...that nothing be lost...he cares about our brokeness and framents...
>pther eople were blessed by the brokeness and received revelation of Jesus
>there was more bread after, than before, the brokeness
And also,
Many years ago Bro Floyd Odom preached a message "Blessd to be Broken" at camp meeting, remembe r that?
love, son#1
Son #1,
As always I am touched and appreciate so very much your words, coming from a heart after God.
Well today is Sunday night, and as you know, lots has happened since Friday night... I just now read your comment. Thank you.
Yes, I remember Brother Odom's message, I have the tape, somewhere.
I'm praying for you and your family, I love you.
You are my son and my brother in the Lord, God is faithful and will not leave you where He finds you.
It delights me to know that you have served Him since your youth... He is a rewarded of those that diligently seek Him... He knows your name... He is faithful.
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